The rising rents forced many people, families, and businesses to leave.
Secondly, the lack of office space and much higher rents in midtown that are forcing companies to seek alternatives.
But housing experts warned that high rents could force workers out of the city or into overcrowded conditions and multiple jobs.
Farouk Halaf, 54, ran a medical equipment store with his father until rising rents forced them to close it in 1995.
Eventually the ground proved too small for the football club's needs, and rising rents forced the development of a new stadium.
High rents have already forced some Soviet Jews onto the streets.
Rising rents forced the shop to close in 2001.
But by last November, rising rent forced the place to close, the owner said.
Rising rents and labor costs in recent years have also forced a re-evaluation of the way the society spends its money.
Sonny died five years ago, at least a decade after escalating rents forced him to close the bar.