The monthly rent was $13,442 in 2003 and had doubled over the preceding three years.
During the 1970s new home prices rose 127 percent and rents doubled.
Annual rents in the area around the shopping center have doubled and now average $60 to $70 a square foot, she said.
I'd estimate that rents here for good properties have doubled in the last four or five years.
Some rents would double or triple when the work was completed.
"We don't want people who have been living there for 10 or 20 years to be forced out because their rent has doubled," he said.
All of a sudden the building would be sold and my rent would double.
The annual rent charged for this privilege doubled again between 1748 and 1792.
Since taking the other half, he said, the rent had doubled to $1,000, a change not yet reflected in campaign filings.
In many buildings, the rents have more than doubled in the past few years.