You may think it odd to perform an elaborate ritual in the middle of this crisis, but Zuka Juno was a renowned member of our race.
Peter Rowan and Richard Greene were among the renowned members of Seatrain.
De la Gardie was the most renowned and influential among the regency members, although he was never unchallenged.
Thereafter he quickly became its most renowned liberal member, leading some opponents to accuse him of judicial activism.
Her father was once a renowned member of the martial arts world, but she is just another young girl deeply in love with Meng Sing Wan.
One of the more renowned members of the group was Pigmeat Markham.
Its membership roster includes renowned members of the legal profession, including U.S. attorneys general and Supreme Court justices.
He's also a renowned member of Omega Psi Phi fraternity.
The design was commissioned to leading architectural firm Wilson Architects, who were renowned members of Brisbane's Presbyterian community.
A renowned member of our woodwind faculty since 1970, his wisdom, vigor and compassion enriched the lives of his many students.