Scott said that club officials had approached him during the tournament to express interest in renewing discussions.
They also agreed to renew discussions on regionwide arms reductions, beginning next month.
Regrettably, President Bush has decided for the time being not to renew discussions with North Korea aimed at shutting down Pyongyang's development and sales of long-range missiles.
In early April, Pentagon and State Department officials visited Warsaw to renew discussions about the project, which has been talked about for years.
After two rounds of meetings last summer, they agreed to continue abiding by the treaty and to renew discussions with the atomic energy agency.
But those problematic first moments renewed long-running discussions about the way the program should be run and the need for a host who is more of a reporter than an anchor.
But some diplomats said merely renewing discussions with the five Central American countries was an achievement in itself.
The goal of the trip was to raise Philadelphia's international profile, drum up business opportunities, and renew discussions about direct flights between the Philadelphia and China.
Speculation has focused in particular on plans by EMI to renew discussions with AOL about buying Warner Music.
That is the right response to moves made by Russia, which considers it necessary to renew discussions on common security in the Euro-Atlantic area.