And now she had met a man whose very memories had been rendered inaccessible.
If a character's tear points exceed the maximum amount of eight, her ending is rendered inaccessible during that specific playthrough.
Sites containing nudity or sexual material are rendered inaccessible.
Poor memory after damage to the brain is usually considered to result from information being lost or rendered inaccessible.
Estimates are that over 3,000 additional webpages are rendered inaccessible.
While a drive itself can be rendered inaccessible with a quick whack to the circuitry, that certainly doesn't ensure 100% destruction.
However, as other patches have been destroyed or rendered inaccessible due to fragmentation, this "insurance" effect is reduced and the species may ultimately go extinct.
Agricultural land has been rendered inaccessible to thousands of local inhabitants.
Protected by them, and also watched over by the Rakshasas, these mountains have been rendered inaccessible.
As a result of the attacks, both websites were rendered inaccessible from outside Kyrgyzstan until November 7.