He was almost rendered destitute, but for the town's council who promptly transformed his house into a museum.
However, Sagar, is now rendered homeless and destitute and mentions that he does not have the audacity to expect them to even be united.
He would use some of the money to build orphanages or group homes for the children of those families rendered destitute.
However, although he supported its gradual abolition, he did not free his own slaves, perhaps fearing that they might be rendered destitute in the process.
"Dependents have already been rendered destitute," Mr. Doha said.
Rendered destitute by the fire, Ma Jiajun became a tea peddler, travelling in the region between Hezhou and Xining.
States could use the money that would have been spent on benefits to create orphanages or group homes for the children of mothers rendered destitute.
Twice before he had been rendered destitute, stripped of everything but pride and courage and determination by war and the fortunes of war.
Mr. Vigee, sitting in a Baton Rouge shelter surrounded by about 4,500 other people rendered homeless and destitute by the hurricane, laughed.
The settlers of Cobleskill who were rendered destitute by the action received £200 in compensation for their troubles.