After a headache, Larsen is rendered blind.
With a single pair of Have Blue prototypes built and tested in the late 1970s, every radar ever built had been rendered blind.
Homer was rendered blind and bedridden by a stroke in 1932, and the Collyers withdrew further.
At the age of 25, he was rendered totally and permanently blind.
The ships of both pursuer and pursued could be rendered all but blind, or even disabled entirely.
However, as the suit's visual capabilities are entirely electronic, the user is effectively rendered blind if they are disrupted.
But it is the viewer who is rendered blind, at least metaphorically...
He had been rendered blind and had arthritis as a result.
Dagger was rendered blind in the first issue, and her struggles to deal with this new disability were a major theme of the series.
With the wind chill at minus 100 degrees, another climber is rendered temporarily blind and later will have both hands amputated.