Point Hicks was renamed as part of Cook's bicentenary.
Renamed the Superbas as part of the deal, the team also siphoned off the several of the Orioles' best players.
The museum was renamed Polk Public Museum in 1969 as part of its expanded focus on art, history, and science.
The theater was renovated in 2007 and was renamed the Fillmore as part of a management contract.
It was originally announced as the 46/40 but later renamed as 6640, as part of the Office System/6 word processing range in 1976.
The street was renamed in 1976, as part of a drive in Montreal to rename streets after French figures and places.
This station was renamed from Smitham in 2011 as part of Southern Railway's new franchise agreement.
The village was renamed Pelopi 30 years ago as part of a drive to give villages more historic Greek names.
This section was subsequently renamed as part of the Gardiner Expressway.