I tore up the carpets, rushed to get back to the beautiful wood floors, de-cluttered it and removed all paint and wallpaper.
Another Reaper, its back turned to him, tore away the metal door to the bridge, peeling it like a painter removing wallpaper.
Really hot water makes it easier to remove wallpaper.
There are special machines that people can use to make water into steam and use it to remove wallpaper.
With painted or sized drywall, removing wallpaper is easier, but be careful to use as little water as possible and to scrape gently.
As he removed wallpaper from the room, Greene found the phrase "Happy New Year" written on the wall.
Should you remove wallpaper - or just paint over it?
Learn how to remove wallpaper.
Have someone remove all carpets and wallpaper with visible mold or mildew.
In any event, removing wallpaper is essential for any home renovating project.