Programs have been developed to detect, quarantine, and remove spyware.
Toolbar, which allows users to remove adware and spyware from their system.
Services offered include repairing computer video-cards and removing spyware from hard drives.
Many programmers and some commercial firms have released products dedicated to remove or block spyware.
Once upon a time, remember, the spyware scanners could remove spyware.
Before you take drastic measures to remove spyware from your computer, read our tips.
I spent 2 hours removing viruses and spyware from his 2000-dollar laptop.
And you've talked about this, Leo, about how it used to be that it was possible to remove spyware.
You remove spyware by following the instructions it gives (it's not automatic).
In fact, sometimes you know that happened because you'll remove spyware, and you'll lose Internet access.