Most air cleaners remove pollen, dust, fibres, feathers and down, soot and cigarette smoke from the air, making it feel fresher.
Filters Sophisticated filtration systems are of special interest to allergy sufferers, as they help to remove pollen and mites from the air.
Rinsing your eyes with cool water or saline eyedrops after you come indoors to remove clinging pollen.
Strained honey has been passed through a mesh material to remove particulate material (pieces of wax, propolis, other defects) without removing pollen, minerals or enzymes.
HEPA filters work best for removing pet dander and pollen, but not as well for dust mites.
The pump pushes the water through a filter that removes dirt, hair, pollen and other small particles.
"As soon as you arrive home, rinse out your nose with saline to remove pollen still in your nose," Grossan says.
After being outdoors, take a shower, wash your hair, and change your clothes to remove pollen that may have collected in your clothes and hair.
"Air conditioners also remove pollen and particulate matter."