They recommended removing existing laws regulating fishing grounds and closed seasons.
The Government has expressed its intention repeatedly to remove discriminatory laws and practices.
The 1989 Employment Act now removes laws protecting 18-year-olds from long hours and shift work, so that there is more likelihood of industrial accidents.
FIDA-Nigeria was founded in May 1982 to promote the welfare of women and children and remove harmful laws.
Now leading politicians of both parties are proposing that states remove laws and regulations that wall off the ex-criminal class from the community.
The highest courts usually have the power to remove laws that are unconstitutional (which go against the constitution).
Ms. Khouri said she hoped to bring international pressure on Jordan to remove laws that effectively permit men to kill their wives, sisters and daughters.
Namibia has already gone further than South Africa in removing racial laws, but retains segregated school systems and local governments.
Its mission is to lobby the United States Congress to remove federal laws prohibiting medical marijuana and the legalization (production and consumption) of marijuana.
But the hrKhashte, the Expunging Group, exists only to veto or remove laws.