At times the President has asserted the power to remove individuals from office.
The Caucus also provides the means to help remove individuals and families from poverty.
During the meeting, Mayor Hoskins ordered police to remove individuals, including a city councilman.
At times, the Punjab police applied for and received production warrants, which allowed them to remove individuals accused in terrorism cases from jail.
In six cases, the FBI removed individuals from the list after deciding that they were no longer a "particularly dangerous menace to society".
They also had the power to remove individuals from the Senate.
It is easier to remove such individuals from our presence than accept them as valuable creations.
A similar variant is Kidnapping, which allows for a Kidnapper character to remove individuals from the game temporarily.
Stalin managed to remove whole individuals like Trotsky from official photographs without Photoshop.
In these last three cases, removing individuals decreases the ability of a wild population to reproduce, since fewer adults remain.