The salvage team removed fuel from the ship by drilling a hole in the hull and pumping the fuel out.
Rescue leaders had already begun to consider when they might have to wind down their efforts and concentrate on removing fuel from the liner.
The site is currently being remediated by removing hazardous materials: fuel, and oil stored in several large tanks.
If it wants to avoid deepening its isolation, it has a way out: Stop removing nuclear fuel and resume talks.
Back burning operations were conducted to remove unburned fuel and direct the fire.
The latest dispute began on Saturday when Pyongyang announced that it was beginning to remove fuel from its reactors.
That is why, several weeks ago the City acted to remove generators and fuel that posed a fire hazard from the park.
Siphoning can be used to remove fuel from tanks.
After removing fuel from the plant, a process now under way, Lilco said it would sharply reduce staff and outside consultants at the plant.
The majority of hydrogen currently produced comes from natural gas reformation, and hence does not help remove fossil fuel as an energy source.