A member of the stolen generation, he was removed from his parents at the age of 18 months.
Children will be removed from their parents at an early-age and brought up by wards as state property.
Luke had been removed from his parents and placed into the foster home on December 24, 2008.
She was removed from her alcoholic parents at an early age due to neglect.
In its ability to remove children from their parents, the state has extraordinary power.
In extreme cases, he said, children could be removed from their parents and placed in foster care.
Katz is wrong when she says that children cannot be removed from their parents based on only an accusation.
From the 1950s the government did indeed remove children from their parents.
Since then, the state has become far more aggressive about removing abused children from their parents and placing them in foster care.
Not only has the number of children removed from their parents been questioned, but also the intent and effects of the government policy.