He also had arthroscopic surgery on his pitching elbow to remove a bone spur and loose fragments in September.
In some cases, correction of deformities involves removing bony fragments or providing stability provision for the spine.
While still in water, irrigate wound to remove fragments of spine and tissue.
Brenn removed several leathery-looking fragments of what might have been pottery from the chest.
When he hung up, I was removing lead fragments from the brain and scribbling notes with a pencil on an empty, bloody glove packet.
He had to make an elaborate map before removing loose fragments.
After identifying and moving the nerve root, the surgeon removes the injured disk tissue and fragments.
On March 27, George had arthroscopic surgery to remove loose fragments of cartilage from the injured knee.
He's going into surgery to remove fragments from his brain.
It was very costly but its rapid weathering and later alterations have removed all but fragments.