Leavitt set the lenses at five diameters and switched the remote viewer to manual control.
Watching his own screen, Leavitt began to move the remote viewer.
Feedback to the remote viewer of any kind was rare; it was kept classified and secret.
It was also reported that there were over 22 active military and domestic remote viewers providing data.
It's just a matter of knowing which cameras are online and how their remote viewers are structured.
To combat this issue, Minear decided to make the remote viewer blind.
It's hard to hide anything from thousands of telepaths and remote viewers working in unison.
Ideally we'd have totally illiterate remote viewers, who could just draw the letters and numbers they see, with no inclination to try to read them.
Lepidopt recalled that there had been no one else who would have been likely to take charge of the remote viewers.
"All our remote viewers reported that it simply disappeared; not just stopped being used, but dropped out of their perceptions entirely."