I've got a remote transmitter up there connected to a cellular.
Then he patched the second hole and pulled a remote transmitter from his pack.
It is very useful to duplicate original remote transmitters to reduce costs.
It was being battered into the network by some remote transmitter that might be anywhere, most probably in outer space.
The studio was later moved to Glendale, CA with the transmitter remote controlled.
The battery-driven cart moves on its own when activated by a hand-held remote transmitter.
In other words, it is a measure of how much data the remote transmitter can send before requiring an acknowledgement for the outstanding data.
Bolan pulled the remote transmitter from his jacket as the assault faded then quieted altogether.
A signal to turn on remote transmitters may be played-this is usually a series of touch tones.
This was a radio network between several Hawaiian islands set up in the early 1970s, where all the remote transmitters used the same frequency.