He dropped out, did some ranch work - and eventually found himself on a remote hillside near Santa, Idaho, 80 miles north of Kamiah, with other hippies.
We did not know, but it seemed likely he was forced to drive a street away, where he was walked to a remote wooded hillside to die.
The lyrics of "This Charming Man" comprise a first person narrative in which the male protagonist punctures one of his bicycle's wheels on a remote hillside.
The UKTek in 2009 took place on a remote hillside near Brecon, Wales.
There is another loch on an extremely remote hillside, eight miles from the smallest town, in a pastoral country.
The remote rocky hillsides are reputedly home to large quantities of snakes, scorpions and other dangerous wildlife.
They disappear into jungly thickets on steep, remote hillsides, stepping carefully through the groves to avoid crunching leaves before doing their dirty work.
In the late 1950s, the club built a new road racing circuit on the remote, rural hillside in Coquitlam, a suburb of Vancouver.
Fourteen colleagues joined him in the prison compound on a remote hillside near the northwestern city of Medellin.
Detecting a trend, Colombian police this year destroyed an estimated 2,500 acres of opium poppies growing on remote Andean hillsides.