The compact "package" reactor was designed to produce electricity (and generate space heat) for remote military facilities.
Breweries in the U.S. had changed from being a part of the local community to remote facilities serving national markets.
Following Saxby's van, Bond eventually enters the car which drives to a remote facility.
The modules are six sided boxes constructed in a remote facility, then delivered to their intended site of use.
In 2009, 8,217 people visited this remote facility.
I'd guess it's an energy field generated at a remote facility.
Telecommuters - By their nature these workers work almost exclusively from their home offices and require dedicated remote working facilities.
He reports that the Israelis apparently took control of the nuclear forces from a remote facility, from which they launched this morning's attack.
The station also provided the remote facilities and supplied video and audio for all three major networks.
My grandfather was a broadcaster who had built a remote facility for the purpose of producing a daily radio broadcast.