The old, historic wagons on the train remind visitors of how the trains looked like back in the past.
The spatial proportions may remind visitors of a first childhood trip to Washington.
It was as if the hospital wanted to remind visitors where they were the moment they came in.
Only a few pubs now remain to remind visitors of its Victorian past.
He keeps a dated photograph of one block in his office to remind visitors how far the town has come.
We should try to avoid reminding visitors of the reasons they were happy to get away from home in the first place.
Most of the businesses and shops were still open, reminding visitors that this was a working town first, a resort second.
The farm setting serves to remind visitors that animals have commercial importance in human affairs.
The exhibition reminds visitors how neo-Classical taste goes in and out of style.
But it is also a place that reminds visitors of who prevailed over the Americans.