For example, stickers have been placed on patrol car dashboards reminding officers to radio in immediately upon arrival, one official said.
Must I remind senior officers that, in wartime, individual feelings, trials and sufferings are of no moment at all?
A thin tension underlay the customary quiet of the Bridge, beneath the muted, orderly ping and chime of computer prompts, reminding officers of tasks needing supervis ion.
Officials stress that the department has been trying to make sure there is always a UF-250 filled out with a street-stop, as is mandatory, and they have reminded officers to do so.
'Let us not assume what has not been established beyond doubt,' Captain Ashiant reminded those captains and first officers who attended his weekly updates.
A great deal of symbolism exists within the SAFTI MI complex to remind officers and aspiring officers of the tri-service nature of the Singapore Armed Forces.
The new guidelines remind commanding officers that they are not to take this attack-the-victim approach, a glaring sign of how poorly some commanders have carried out the policy.
So I became a committee of one to remind politicians and police officers and bicycle riders that it is illegal to ride on the sidewalks.
An Army newspaper recently printed a note that reminded commanding officers to be on the lookout for excessive yeast consumption by units.
He said the cards would remind officers that "as you're doing your job and a lot of things are going on and people are losing their heads, you need to keep yours."