Her face fell, and I mentally kicked myself for reminding her of her mother's death.
His very presence reminded her of Kenrick's death, yet he couldn't ride off and leave her.
Lytol's expression was bleak, as it always was whenever he was reminded of his own dragon's death.
How very clever of you to remind him of her death.
Terror management theory maintains that people suffer cognitive dissonance (anxiety) when they are reminded of their inevitable death.
More likely, anything that reminded her of her friend's death probably upset her.
And in doing so, it reminded her of his death.
Seeing Worf and being reminded of his wife's death brought home to Riker that he could take nothing for granted.
Staring at the fiery red scar tissue, she couldn't help but be reminded of Stephen's horrible death, and tears filled her eyes.
It reminded her of her own death, centuries before.