Instead his approach has been to seek common ground between artists and legislators, to remind lawmakers of how important the arts can be in awakening the imaginations of people who haven't been exposed to them.
The fragile state of the economy, he reminded lawmakers, is in a single statistic.
We just want to remind lawmakers of the one clear message from this muddled election season: voters wanted something other than the old back-scratching status quo.
Ms. Visco, for her part, saw it as an opportunity to remind lawmakers that mammography is not the answer to the breast cancer problem.
They reminded lawmakers that the rules were classified and should not be disclosed, according to Congressional officials who attended the meeting.
And he reminded lawmakers that he had helped develop "the vision that led to the Contract With America" the Republican Party campaigned on when it took the House in 1994.
Read more 12/9/11 We want to thank the thousands of Americans who came to Washington this week to remind lawmakers that people are facing very serious problems.
The Bush Administration tried to turn up the heat on Congress today, reminding lawmakers that making certain changes in the savings industry bailout legislation could cause the President's advisers to recommend a veto.
In Cognressional testimony last week, he reminded lawmakers that they had already appropriated $50 million in this year's budget for such action.
Representative Richard A. Gephardt, the minority leader, who appeared at the rally, reminded lawmakers that voting for the House Republican bill would mean long, drawn-out negotiations with the Senate.