They remind doctors that it is normal to find some patients hard to care for (or even to be in the same room with).
Deception in research, we need to remind doctors, is not in their own interest.
This eliminates forgeries, illegal dispensing and fraud by patients, and also reminds doctors that these substances require special attention.
Medicaid officials have reminded doctors and hospitals that they must not demand cash payments for anesthesia services from poor women in labor.
Solutions proposed by the study include computerized systems that warn of interactions and remind doctors of the need for follow-up testing.
But Overlook now puts stickers on patients' charts to remind doctors of the Milliman standards.
In wealthier areas (those with the greatest per-capita distribution of specialists), patients can risk reminding doctors that time is money.
But the F.D.A. did ask the company to remind doctors that people with known cardiovascular problems should not take the drug.
These tasks teach humility, provide time to talk with patients and remind young doctors that ours is at root a service profession.
The plans hope that notification will have "a sentinel effect," reminding doctors of company guidelines.