C13 Remembering Harold Clurman, his sweep and his passion.
And remember his insane passion for Elaine; he pushed that thought hastily from him.
He never mentioned being a socialist and believing in the independence of Puerto Rico, but I remember his passion around our dinner table on the island.
LADY P: I hope you have not the malice to remember A gentlewoman's passion.
Only when she was graduating from high school did she remember her youthful passion.
And remembered his own passion.
He remembered her passion and abandon, but it was only a memory, nothing more, without heat or emotion.
"I also remember his passion for apparel in general."
Susan found a clean towel, then showered vigorously, remembering the previous night's passion with a pleasant sense of warmth.
He remembered his passion to escape the claustrophobic horror that had once been his buth world, but the memory no longer carried passion.