Quentin's head ached remembering their previous attempt at escape.
This alarmed conservatives, who remembered their attempt to seize power only 17 months earlier.
He was remembering his attempt to make love to her, three days after the Stovington fiasco.
She smiled weakly, remembering her attempt to show fear during the interview when the Granville ghost was mentioned.
Remember his attempt at being a rock star.
I remember my own first attempt to gain the regular license as a teacher of English.
Chagrined, he remembered his own attempt to treat the Adept with disdain, and the memory made him break out into a cold sweat.
I was remembering our attempt to see Mount Vernon.
I waited, speechless, to see if he would attack me at once-did he remember my attempt to take his dagger?
But then-" She shook her head, remembering her first attempt at arms practice.