There is virtually nothing that goes on in the police or the army that I don't know about, and having access to that information is remarkably inexpensive, considering its value.
The food is imaginative and consistently good, not to mention remarkably inexpensive by Manhattan standards.
Midtown Pasta Presto (613 Second Avenue, near 34th Street, 889-4131): Fast-paced, friendly and remarkably inexpensive, this popular neighborhood spot is packed nightly.
Some cities, such as Strasbourg, have remarkably inexpensive rental agencies run by the municipality.
For a developed country, Korea can be a remarkably inexpensive place in which to travel.
Speaking of wines, the list of bottles is imaginatively assembled to match the food and remarkably inexpensive.
The reason its titans want to keep corn cheap and plentiful, Pollan explains, is that they value it, above all, as a remarkably inexpensive industrial raw material.
Positano, a remarkably inexpensive, simply appointed stucco-and-brick dining room on Mulberry Street, is notable for its fine light touch with pastas - and bargain prices.
With a single thermostatic control, the Nash passenger compartment air cooling option was described as "a good and remarkably inexpensive" system.
The remarkably inexpensive menu carries seven rustic pastas, a half-dozen meat and poultry entrees and a smattering of appetizers and desserts.