Businesses and consumers started 2006 with remarkable vigor.
Sometimes alert field observation is sufficient to recognize that a particular sort of plant is showing remarkable vigor while others close to it are not.
The company pursued this strategy with remarkable vigor.
Earle had remarkable vigour; he was never out of health, though he once broke his arm, and became blind many years before his death.
A remarkable vigor and an even more remarkable spirit of cooperation still animated the venture.
Mr. Reagan's political strength over the last six years has depended in large part on his remarkable vigor and youthful appearance for a man his age.
On these pieces, which possess remarkable vigor, serpents, birds and masked figures are depicted in great numbers.
A man of remarkable physical vigor, he has seemed intellectually and politically listless, somehow passive in the face of great danger.
He showed remarkable vigour for a man of his age, and shook off the effects of his stroke.
The Knight should have known the separated hand was harm- less, but he reacted with remarkable vigor.