The bond act, Proposition 2, has drawn a remarkable unanimity of support from business, labor, environmental and planning organizations.
With remarkable unanimity, Kurds say they are tired of war and no longer want to form their own state.
And greatly to Mr. Todhunter's surprise it appeared that he had been advised, with remarkable unanimity, to commit a murder.
His philosophical mind was led to reflect that such a remarkable unanimity in the direction of the movements in the solar system demanded some special explanation.
On the other hand, the four gospels in the New Testament were readily accepted with remarkable unanimity as being authentic in the story they told.
With remarkable unanimity, those who met Gardner were apt to second that emotion.
While the other inhabitants of the house were less forthright than Mrs. Bug in stating their opinions, there was a remarkable unanimity among them.
When the leaders of the European countries sit down with the Americans and other allies there is a remarkable unanimity.
Last January, with remarkable unanimity, it delivered its recommendations.
Several surveys and additional anecdotal evidence show a remarkable unanimity among Israelis in favor of restraint.