He has a remarkable stamina, and I attribute it entirely to my careful supervision of his food.
Due to its heavily padded feet being able to absorb the impact on its body, it has remarkable stamina when running.
The same announcer, whose depth of depression seemed to be matched only by his remarkable stamina, appeared on screen just after midnight.
All these Cereans seem to have remarkable stamina, and I'd say this one is strong as an ox, even now.
The continued strength of the stock market has played a role, but so has the remarkable stamina of auto sales even as rates have risen.
Such punishing journeys showed John Paul's remarkable stamina.
The shaman, however, for all his great age, still had remarkable stamina and recovered more quickly than some others in the lodge.
Although it was not very active and usually slow-moving, it had remarkable stamina and when flying, would cover great distances.
Mullin had remarkable stamina as a pitcher.
For one so slender, she had remarkable stamina.