He made this remarkable recording while locked in the back of a security forces truck next to dozens of protesters.
To most listeners, therefore, this remarkable recording will convey only a small fraction of its potentially shattering meaning.
The results of this teaching can be heard in Mr. Christie's remarkable recordings.
Next came Vivaldi who, thanks to some remarkable recent recordings, is now slap-bang on the operatic map.
True to their vision, they produced early cuts of a remarkable new recording, before being interrupted by her death.
She later founded the Peacham Music Festival in Vermont, where many remarkable live recordings of her maturing performances were produced.
He then used state-of-the-art techniques to create remarkable recordings.
Mr. Aimard's remarkable 2000 recording of "Vingt regards" on the Teldec label has helped bring renewed attention to this audaciously original work.
Now a remarkable recording from Deutsche Grammophon simulates what such time travelers would be after.
A remarkable recording of a tender masterpiece.