Late that year he finished his remarkable second novel, "Miss Lonelyhearts."
A reason to care about him two decades later is that as Henry Green he wrote nine remarkable novels.
The pitiless economy of that passage is typical of Sinclair's remarkable novel.
In his remarkable novels, no one gets very far from Georgetown, the Guyanese capital.
The pain of lost innocence ripples through this remarkable novel.
In this remarkable first novel, a village imposes a strict quarantine against the 1918 flu, and so becomes a prison.
The passage of time from 1965 to the mid-1980s did little to change the high regard for this remarkable novel.
Last year's winner Beukes said: "2011 produced some remarkable novels.
A balance, exhilarating though always precarious, was achieved in three remarkable novels of hers.
(Ages 10 and up) A remarkable novel of questing.