The second and final volume of Guralnick's remarkable biography of a man who got everything he had ever wanted and died of it.
Shepherd's close working relationship with Lewis later resulted in a careful documentation of Lewis' legacies to psychiatry in his remarkable biographies.
Ms. Dunning's remarkable biography makes that amply clear.
Her enthralling and repellent story is now told by the Viennese historian Brigitte Hamann in this remarkable biography, "Winifred Wagner."
It was during this time that he wrote There Is a River, the remarkable biography of Edgar Cayce.
Brief introductions provide additional information on Kaléko's remarkable biography.
Stuart Clive Shorter, the subject of this remarkable biography, was a homeless man whom Alexander Masters, a former physics student, met in 1998 in Cambridge, England.
It's odd, given Graham Greene's extraordinary reticence, that he would have permitted Norman Sherry's remarkable biography of him to be written.
Warner wrote, at the age of 70, one of the most remarkable biographies of the last hundred years.
Brecht's own remarkable biography provides insight into the play's themes - the devastating impact of war on ordinary people and the futility of individual vs. collective action.