Many of the remarkable Tlingit artifacts in the collection were loaned or donated by local clans under agreements designed to ensure ongoing, traditional use.
This remarkable artifact was first illustrated in 1952.
One of the most remarkable artifacts remaining from the Sumerian civilization is known as the Standard of Ur.
There is a hidden laboratory on Terok Nor," his future self said calmly, "and within it is a most remarkable artifact.
Meanwhile, the hot fresh water enabled the human beings to survive naked without osmotic dehydration-and also preserved remarkable artifacts, such as this ship.
The flutes are only the most remarkable artifacts from Jiahu, less than 5 percent of which has been excavated.
But the most remarkable artifacts of all were the figurines, of Fireheads and animals.
"They've come into possession of some remarkable magical artifact," said Mistique, tossing her long hair thoughtfully.
Like his previous trip, he kept a record of precise and detailed illustrations and a large amount of remarkable artifacts.
It's nonfunctional, of course, but it's still a remarkable artifact.