Most of the mineral extraction licences were issued by national government for 90 years in the 1950s, and remain legally binding.
The post and department will remain legally in force, however, until such time as Parliament amends the body of legislation.
As a result, the original sanctions remain legally in effect, though with what amounts to a permanent exemption for foodstuffs.
This was invalid since the post remained legally in existence.
It was always parkland under the pavement; it remained legally a park.
Cuba's judicial powers and courts remained legally based on the codes of the Spanish government.
Only employees deemed "essential" could legally remain on the job, working without pay.
To this date, the eldest, legally remains John Kim Bell.
The Militia remained legally in existence, with 23 battalions which were surplus to requirements disbanded.
But since withdrawal requires 90 days' notice, the inspection deadline remains legally in effect.