But the Japanese banks can rely on huge deposits at home to create volume discounts.
But today's undergraduates increasingly rely on video to create more personalized remembrances of those years.
Even then you may consider relying on outside designers to create the masters while your operators simply fill in the gaps.
Special effects artists often rely on computers to create realistic characters and scenes.
It has become common for schools to rely on students to create their Web sites.
Ecos rely on green technology to create their cities, which preserve nature and help the eco balance.
If we're relying on someone to create a new economic model to save the league, don't expect it to be the players; it's outside their means.
But they rely on the early history and migration to create an aura of aristocracy.
We are therefore relying on the Commission to create a legal framework as soon as possible in order to put a stop to this.
In my opinion it is futile to rely on market forces to create a system of labelling.