He said that teachers who rely on public transportation must walk or take a bus from the nearest subway stop, which is 15 blocks away.
After such work as this, you never rely on public transportation.
Turns out that it might be not such a good idea to rely on transportation to the track on Christmas day.
Its economy relies mainly on tourism, agriculture, and transportation, which developed in the late 19th century.
First, not everyone drives to the grocery store regularly, as many rely on public transportation.
Since the costumes are heavy, the candidates rely on wheeled transportation.
The Bronx is part of a city which relies on public transportation to a far greater extent than others.
They're also given rides to class (they'd never get there if they relied on public transportation) and a hot lunch.
In other words, cars may be too expensive for some workers and they may have to rely heavily on public transportation.
She'd have to rely on public transportation or just hook a car from the police garage and pay the bureaucratic price later.