He said she had always refused any gifts or support from her rich lover, relying instead on Murphy's promise to marry her once he was divorced.
He persuaded his chamber to approve a budget bill including the voracious asbestos plan, relying on Mr. Cuomo's promise to veto that section.
After five years' service, Mr Rump was ordered to work outside the south of England and, relying on his manager's promise, he refused.
Then came Kaata's answer: "I can't rely either on your promise or on that of a dying man.
Although it is technically still the company's money, and thus subject to creditor claims, the account is considered safer than relying solely on a company's promise to pay.
Normally anyone relying on a kender's promise would be considered loony, unstable, in- competent and just plain daft, all of which descriptions fit Fizban to a tee.
As you know, we have a number of important clients who rely on our promise of privacy.
Much of photography's credibility as a popular art form relies on its promise of visual truth, embodied in the axiom that the camera never lies.
An unsecured loan means the lender relies on the borrower's promise to pay it back.
"I shall rely on your promise."