He reluctantly resigned from the Senate under charges of alleged complicity in the Burr conspiracy.
After this defeat, Dehler reluctantly resigned as chairman of party and parliamentary group.
Wimborne had also reluctantly resigned, but was re-appointed, and Chamberlain resigned soon after.
Instead, at age 33, he reluctantly resigned from the Reichsmarine.
He reluctantly resigned his commission three years later.
Burdened by immediate financial needs, Chris reluctantly resigned his position in King Diamond.
Boyden Gray, the White House counsel, only reluctantly resigned from a lucrative family communications business.
When the South seceded, Lee reluctantly resigned from the army, hoping to avoid participation in the war he deplored.
And as Jake nodded, Shiona reluctantly resigned herself to being trapped at the table with him for another little while.
On 27 May 1908, on medical advice, he reluctantly resigned his see and was succeeded by George Halford.