Over a period of time 250 houses or public buildings were destroyed before the Spanish reluctantly offered a compromise, and a deal was finally reached.
Gus reluctantly offers to buy Walt's product for $1.2 million and offers him only one hour to deliver the drugs.
Finally, Mary's brothers reluctantly offer him a position.
Reluctantly offering it to you, she would advise, "Now don't cut yourself!"
Unable to bribe the mercenary with gold, Alana reluctantly offers herself to him for one night.
In fact, he reluctantly offered him a scholarship.
"She was kind to us," he mumbled, the words offered reluctantly.
Reluctantly offering public support, Cross's embittered wife warns him, "This is going to be very expensive."
As a result, the guide reluctantly offered his arms to Swain, who duly lifted him up through the hatch.
For noncarnivors, the kitchen reluctantly offers a salmon and a chicken dish, both prepared in a simple, perfunctory way.