Torres began working in a factory where religious figures were cast, producing religious statuary.
Today, the company is a microcosm of the nationwide boom in religious statuary, an increasingly significant part of the $3-billion-a-year Christian merchandise industry.
Most of these monks embellished their caves with religious statuary and elaborate, brightly colored frescoes.
The sack itself was notably mild as sacks go; Churches and religious statuary went unharmed for example.
Above their heads, he can detect some kind of religious statuary and banners being carried by.
It contains larger-than-life religious statuary and vividly painted mandalas, which are circular, geometric images that represent the universe.
The denial of public lands to religious statuary denies no one the opportunity to practice his or her religion in a church, synagogue, mosque or at home.
Here you'll find a range of everyday objects not seen in the Acropolis Museum, in addition to religious and civic statuary and mosaics.
Shortly thereafter Calvinist weavers from the industrial area around Ypres attacked churches and destroyed religious statuary.
But the article did not mention that every square foot of the cafe is filled with religious statuary, paintings and icons.