Henceforth Brenz took part in all the important conferences on the religious situation.
Nonetheless, this book - and the world view it represents - must be taken seriously by anyone who wishes to understand the contemporary religious situation.
This remained the situation until migration in the 19th Century changed the religious situation.
As far as I'm concerned, they're really not part of the modern religious situation.
Unable to tolerate the religious situation any longer he eventually emigrated himself in 1633.
Or there is a religious situation, and the parents want us to get some dirt on the other party, so the relationship will end.
"Prior to any visit, he gets an extensive briefing on the political and religious situation in the country to which he's going."
Martin offers another, more pessimistic, view of the religious situation in the late 1980s.
That he could use my religious situation to punish me.
Such a religious situation allowed the more recently arrived form of Christianity to have opportunity to grow.