Chinese civilization had no religious prophecy nor a powerful priesthood social class.
He learns many things, from medical care to religious prophecy.
Not only the usual $5 manicure special, but a religious prophecy (one side in Russian), the truth about diamonds, an opportunity for a free facial or to learn Japanese.
Both have since been waiting for the End Times, but there is as of yet no evidence that their religious prophecy for this will ever come true.
Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, a senior Vatican official, recently said that if the secret is not made public, "it is to avoid confusing religious prophecy with sensationalism."
A former member of a religious sect has been acquitted of murder for starving her infant son to death to fulfill a religious prophecy.
Meanwhile, the priests start to believe that Marek was an outcast from the Earth, rather than a messiah who came to fulfill the religious prophecy.
The Covenant do not know this and are attempting to fire Halos as part of a wrong religious prophecy.
The task of revitalizing the area around the Residence was informed by both religious prophecy and city planning, and construction began in 1954 on a project that continues today.
The Covenant, unaware of the destructive nature of the rings, attempt to fire another ring, Installation 05, in order to fulfill their religious prophecy.