Some violent clashes have been reported between religious militants and the armed forces.
While most of the performances involved only boys, some girls took part in the parade, possibly raising the ire of religious militants.
But Christians and Qadiani have also been persecuted and attacked by religious militants over the years.
Britain has fought a decades-long battle against religious militants seeking a separatist Northern Ireland.
In December he escaped two assassination attempts that authorities suspect were carried out by religious militants.
These religious militants want to fight wherever they believe they can do God's bidding.
Underscoring the point, more than 200 religious militants were detained today, in addition to several hundred others detained in the last week.
An increasingly desperate fight between religious militants and the Government leaves many villagers wondering which side to fear most.
The religious militants she called to her banner are throwbacks, fearful and willfully primitive.
Judge Maria Robbi said she acted after religious militants threatened to take action against the author and bookstores.