Many types of content-control software have been shown to block sites based on the religious and political leanings of the company owners.
Akure is a city with various and liberal religious leanings.
Standish's religious leanings have been the source of some debate.
How can the reader analyze Paul's feelings and religious leanings when Paul can't do this and the author won't?
Faction is supposed "to represent the endless struggles between different political and religious leanings."
She had guided her husband, Ashoka, towards his religious leanings.
Researchers have debated whether the surviving evidence of her own writings indicates that she had unconventional religious leanings.
Mr. Parrish, in turn, had never met them and did not know their religious leanings or politics.
Some were obvious, of course, like the ones with religious leanings.
Her religious leanings and slightly Presbyterian view of life did not match Jack's own.