We see evidence in the extraordinary diversity of cults represented by religious inscriptions on the frontier.
To be sure, perhaps a few hundred out-of-towners attended the game to make a point, many of them wearing shirts with religious inscriptions.
But the really surprising thing was the almost complete lack of religious inscriptions on the gravestones, though they all dated from before the revolution.
China used bones and shells for religious inscriptions in the form of divinations.
This park is a former cemetery and at the front stands a Victorian water fountain replete with a religious inscription.
The entire building is constructed of brick and limestone mortar while its doorway features large religious inscriptions.
These little pieces of paper are blessed and have religious inscriptions.
Traditionally, early Arab flags were of one colour only, usually black or white, and charged with a religious inscription.
On the metal rim is usually an inscription, religious or bacchanalian, and the print was also often decorated.
The interior has a number of religious inscriptions above the doors.