He allowed his old boyish scepticism (caused by a mixed Protestant and Catholic education) to take the form of studied religious indifference.
Here, as in all cosmopolitan and growing centres, the missionaries found their chief obstacle in religious indifference.
"Oh, you need not avow this religious indifference, my Lord; your debaucheries and crimes would vouch for it."
The cause of this was the moral and religious indifference of the Italians, the lack of strong passions and vigorous characters.
This was followed in 1744 by Indifferentismus, a treatise on religious indifference and liberalism in dogmatic teaching.
Some families struggle with religious differences, others with religious indifference.
For thirty years he remained a notable figure in France, doing his utmost to arouse his countrymen from religious indifference.
References to individuals as politique often had a pejorative connotation of moral or religious indifference.
Indifferentism is not to be confounded with religious indifference.
Or they could choose a pope from Europe because he can speak convincingly to the West about its growing religious indifference.