He showed a normally balanced compassion without any apparent religious inclinations.
No matter what your religious inclinations may be, you can find affirmation, joy, and fulfillment in these pages.
Not that he has any religious inclinations toward that faith, but because it would be easier for him to do his business.
Up to the time of his illness neither my father nor my mother had ever shown any religious inclinations.
Sections of his correspondence with Erasmus also suggest this religious inclination.
He might not have much religious inclination, that dog, but he did speak fluent Gaelic.
What percentage of nuns in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Italy were women with no religious inclination?
Hyacinth came with them, more for company and the irrefutable excuse to avoid work than from any religious inclination.
His views had been a source of inspiration for many officers and other ranks with religious inclinations.
But you know, if I had a religious inclination, I'd think wistfully about joining.