In relating this with religious ideals, it seems natural that the same concept should apply.
We seem to fall so short of measuring up to certain religious ideals in our own world.
Cheesecake is not a community built on a religious or philosophical ideal.
It is a religious and social ideal which is achieved relatively infrequently in practice.
He was attacked by Radicals for his religious and patriotic ideals.
Many also offer children opportunities to work in places like food banks and soup kitchens, where they can practice rather than just study religious ideals.
It's not like we are trying to impose some religious ideal of what a nun is - there is no such thing.
They too, at times, were exasperated by the idea that in world of politics, religious ideals could outweigh military might or material interests.
In each case believers have applied their religious ideals with a strong dose of realism and generosity.
Had going to Mass on that particular Sunday morning brought about the resurgence of her past religious ideals?